
How Much Jeffree Star Makes On Makeup

Photo Courtesy: ronpaulrevolt2008/Flickr

The COVID-19 shutdown has forced the unabridged country to shelter inside their homes. Many people are suffering physically, economically and mentally, and celebrities want everyone to know that they're no dissimilar — except they totally are.

From hanging out in sprawling mansions that somehow experience like prison cells to suffering inconceivable boredom on fully equipped estates, the atrocities endured past the rich and famous sure brand united states wonder if some celebs could be any more than out of touch on with reality. Take a look at the hilarious ways they have tried to bear witness they are "just like anybody else."

Kim Kardashian'southward Bored Kids

Plenty of families are struggling to juggle an calm, full-time task with kids who suddenly demand to be homeschooled. Kim Kardashian, however, doesn't have too much on her plate — she has too lilliputian! She mentioned to the media just how bored she is — and how there'southward nothing for her kids to do.

Photo Courtesy: @KimKardashian/Twitter

Ah, yes, those poor children are stuck inside a multi-one thousand thousand-dollar dwelling house on roughly 1.5 acres of state. They must be going crazy with merely 1 pool and one personal frozen yogurt car at their disposal. How are they going to stay decorated?

Sam Smith's Million-Dollar Meltdown

British vocaliser and songwriter Sam Smith attempted to connect with their fans past posting the "stages of quarantine meltdown" on their Instagram page. It consists of a series of photos featuring Smith breaking down into crocodile tears. Super relatable, right?

Photo Courtesy: @samsmith/Twitter

Well, maybe it would take been relatable if Smith weren't quarantining in a $12 million London abode when they posted the pics. Their flippant post about the quarantine struggle was meant to exist funny, but it only emphasized how far removed celebs similar them are from the real struggles COVID-nineteen has brought to many fans.

Gal Gadot'southward Short-Sighted Singalong

In late March, a slew of well-known celebrities decided to work together and create a montage of themselves singing John Lennon'south "Imagine." This included people like Will Farrell, Gal Gadot, Natalie Portman and Jimmy Fallon, to name a few. Gadot preached that "nosotros're all in this together" when posting the video, but that's not what viewers felt.

Photo Courtesy: On Need Entertainment/YouTube

Instead, it looked to many like a gaggle of privileged, wealthy people totally missing the gravity of the state of affairs. "Imagine no possessions?" That's an impending reality for many Americans only non for a single ane of them! Many fans were insulted.

Elon Musk's Touchy Tweet

Before naming his child something that sounds like a math equation gone awry, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk posted a tweet that polarized the masses. Musk has been known to take some controversial opinions in the past, merely calling the panic over a global pandemic "dumb" surpassed them all.

Photograph Courtesy: @elonmusk/Twitter

Many Americans facing unemployment, dealing with sick loved ones or living in fear with allowed deficiencies or pre-existing conditions were rightfully enraged. It'due south piece of cake for Musk to phone call the coronavirus panic impaired when he has no reason to worry. Later all, he has enough money to purchase his own hospital and stay at home for the residual of his life! Nosotros wonder if anyone has bothered to tell him all that money won't save him if he'south ane of the unlucky ones.

DJ Pauly D'south Drastic Pilus Growth

Pauly D is most known for his role on the hit reality serial Jersey Shore, but now he's getting attention for his "quarantine beard." The star posted a moving-picture show of his new mode in his pristine habitation gym on Twitter and received plenty of shocked comments.

Photograph Courtesy: @DJPaulyD/Twitter

Instead of posting well-nigh the many struggles brought on by the virus, he only shared a selfie of his facial pilus! The rest of us all look like mad scientists, only his well-coiffed hair (including his chiseled chin strap) is truly troubling for all the incorrect reasons. The struggle isn't real for you, Pauly.

Drake's Struggle to Stay Inside

Drake hasn't been shy about posting photos and videos of his enormous Toronto residence. Recently, he decided to bound on the quarantine bandwagon and show just how he's coping — and it looks like he's coping quite well.

Photo Courtesy: Ferris Rafauli/YouTube

The vocalizer walked through his private basketball courtroom, consummate with what looks like a wall-mounted television screen. The caption reads "My life for the adjacent even so long." Information technology'southward a far cry from a regular guy's quarantine experience posted up on the lumpy living room couch.

Madonna Gets Deep

Madonna took to her Instagram during quarantine to share her thoughts near the virus. She spoke nigh it being "the peachy equalizer," noting that it "doesn't discriminate" and "doesn't intendance about how rich yous are" or "how famous you lot are." The kicker? She said all of this while relaxing in a bathtub sprinkled with rose petals.

Photograph Courtesy: Entertainment Tonight/YouTube

It sure doesn't seem like coronavirus is "the great blaster" when the poor and disadvantaged are disenfranchised the most. Madonna doesn't have to worry near health insurance, unemployment, gaining access to testing or even running out of flowers for existential bath sessions.

Bieber and Jenner'due south Faulty Facetime

Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner reflected on their privilege in a live facetime recording, but it didn't sit well with many viewers. Bieber and Jenner commented on "how blessed" they are and how "a lot of people in this time accept a crappy state of affairs."

Photograph Courtesy: Miss Charlotte Lawrence/YouTube

Merely so the vocalist went on to say that they tin't experience bad for what they've worked for and "just us taking that time to admit that there are people who are really crippling is important." Maybe that's truthful for y'all, Biebs, only your time of reflection isn't doing much to assistance the residuum of us.

Jaime King's Poorly Timed Prose

Actress Jaime King shared a poem on her social media accounts thanking the coronavirus. She didn't write the poem, and so she can't take all the blame, simply fans were nonetheless ticked off in a big way. Some of the poem'south lines include "Thank you for all the fear… Thanks for the unity between all of united states of america."

Photo Courtesy: Stephen Busken/Contour RA/Getty Images

While Jaime King was thanking coronavirus, many less-privileged Americans were dying from it. Her intention was presumably to point out that existence forced to deadening down and focus on each other has a positive side, but it came off every bit insensitive and naive. Needless to say, she has since deleted the post.

Christina Aguilera's Totally Relatable Karaoke Functioning

Disney came up with a fun fashion for families to laissez passer the time with its Disney Family Singalong and has already released multiple editions. The first special featured celebrities like Christina Aguilera singing a "karaoke" version of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" from The Panthera leo King.

Photo Courtesy: ABC/YouTube

When we sing karaoke, it'south usually a very sloppy rendition that nosotros hope never makes its way onto television. Watching Aguilera take a quick pass at a Disney classic was a gentle reminder for u.s. to keep our ain singing within the confines of our showers.

Hilary Duff's At-Domicile Hair Makeover

Many people stuck in quarantine accept succumbed to cutting their own hair. Yous may not really need a haircut, either, but it seems to take caught on as something to practise that doesn't involve the Television set or a figurer screen — and celebrities aren't allowed to the urge.

Photo Courtesy: @hilaryduff/Instagram

Hilary Duff went all out with her at-abode pilus transformation in a photograph she posted to Instagram. Her long blonde pilus was of a sudden short and bright bluish! It's unclear how much of this Duff did on her own, only information technology definitely puts other at-dwelling hairdressing attempts to shame. It practically looks professional!

David Geffen'south Aquatic Isolation

When you have enough money to purchase a yacht, you're probably a bit removed from the reality of the coronavirus pandemic. These days, no 1 wants to encounter outrageous wealth paired with a thoughtful caption "hoping everybody is staying condom." Only that's exactly what man of affairs David Geffen did.

Photo Courtesy: @davidgeffen/Instagram

He posted those words underneath a photo of his $590 million yacht, where he's spending time "fugitive the virus." Isn't he such a thoughtful human being to know that a picture of his boat is but the matter nosotros need to cheer us up before donning our face masks for a nutrient run?

Evangeline Lilly'due south Have on Social Distancing

While many schools in the U.S. were endmost and families were preparing to stay home for the foreseeable future, Lost actress Evangeline Lilly was just doing #businessasusual. Her Instagram post featured a teacup and a caption explaining that she'd just dropped her kids off for gymnastics camp. But don't worry! They done their hands before going in.

Photo Courtesy: @evangelinelillyofficial/Instagram

Lilly received a lot of criticism for this in the comments, but she came dorsum with a long amends in the following post. By that time, her kids were staying safely at home.

Chrissy Teigen's Quarantine Cravings

Model Chrissy Teigen has a strong presence on Twitter, something her fans usually go crazy for, but this fourth dimension she might have put her foot in her mouth. She tweeted that her current condolement during quarantine was ordering clam chowder from Boston. Talk about privilege!

Photo Courtesy: Walt Disney Television/Flickr

The tweet fell especially flat, thank you to the many businesses across the country that were closing and firing workers at the very same time Teigen was paying tiptop dollar to get soup shipped to her door. Oops! Teigen later tweeted "Correction: do Not gild soup."

Ellen DeGeneres' Incurable Cabin Fever

It seems that no glory is safe from embarrassing themselves when it comes to coronavirus. Ellen DeGeneres, while sitting in front of large windows framed by greenery, said that living in quarantine is similar being in jail! Sure, Ellen, your one thousand thousand-dollar mansion is just like jail. It kind of makes you want to commit a few crimes, right?

Photo Courtesy: TheEllenShow/YouTube

The comment came under even more burn, given the rising number of cases of COVID-xix in jails across the country. Everyone knows that DeGeneres is a comedian, just information technology looks like she stepped over a line with this comment. You demand to accept extra intendance to non be thoughtless when in that location are lives existence lost.

Scheana Shay's Coronavirus Kickback

Bravo personality Scheana Shay revealed just how little she knew almost the pandemic when she tweeted that her friends should "come join [her] for a Palm Springs quarantine!" She even said she wasn't going to "stop living" her life. Clearly, Shay wasn't grasping the concept of "quarantine."

Photo Courtesy: Toglenn/Wikimedia Commons

She later backtracked and said she wasn't aware merely how serious the pandemic was at the fourth dimension. After blaming it on a work trip and vowing to follow the stay-at-home rules, she managed to cool her fans off a bit. Working on a Bravo Television set evidence conspicuously doesn't require attention to detail.

M.I.A.'s Very Questionable Oath

Music wouldn't be the aforementioned without innovative Sri Lankan/British rapper M.I.A., simply she might have lost some fans after her tweet in late March: "If I accept to choose the vaccine or scrap, I'grand gonna cull death." M.I.A. essentially revealed in a tweet that she doesn't believe vaccines are a good thing — during a pandemic. Good move, M.I.A.

Photo Courtesy: Moses/Wikimedia Commons

Given the controversy surrounding the subject area, it's no wonder that people came after her for this postal service. To make matters worse, a COVID-19 vaccine doesn't even be yet. She subsequently did some backtracking and clarified her statements, but the damage was washed.

Bette Midler's Kitchen Discoveries

Bette Midler claims she's but like anybody else in her Twitter bio, but that'south not how the public sees it after her tweet about kitchen appliances. She joked about finally getting to know her appliances and so saluted "housekeepers" around the globe.

Photo Courtesy: Monica Schipper/WireImage/Getty Images

While Midler was simply trying to joke about quarantine — and maybe poke a little fun at herself for being inept at simple chores — she ended up highlighting her privileged lifestyle. The virus is forcing her to practise her cooking and cleaning herself — gasp!

J. Lo Gets Bored at Dwelling house

Perhaps celebs should learn a lesson from Jennifer Lopez and stop posting about their glamorous lifestyles during the pandemic. Lopez posted a video to her Twitter business relationship of her son delivering a bottle of Perrier to her on a hoverboard and then jumping off the hoverboard and into their pool.

Photo Courtesy: @jlo/Twitter

The perfectly dark-green lawn and big windows of the business firm behind them only added insult to injury. Afterward all, Lopez'southward less wealthy fans are struggling to keep their heads above that proverbial pool water during the pandemic.

Pharrell Williams Just Tries to Make a Difference

When millionaire celebrities encourage their followers to donate their limited coin, things can get ugly. Vocalist Pharrell Williams posted a tweet urging people to donate to the "Frontline Responders Fund" simply didn't mention whether he had donated himself.

Photo Courtesy: @Pharrell/Twitter

He subsequently clarified that he had, indeed, donated to the fund, only the damage was done. Williams' followers thought the rapper, who is worth about $150 million, should worry more near giving away a clamper of his ain riches rather than telling his followers, many of whom have been laid off during the crunch, to give away their meager dollars.

fifty Cent's "Motivational" Speech

What's worse than looking at celebrities quarantining in houses 10 times bigger than yours? Getting fat-shamed past those celebrities, that'southward what. Rap's ultimate troll 50 Cent made some unfortunate comments in a Wall Street Journal interview when he spoke about his at-home exercise routine. He said a lot of people wouldn't be doing at-home workouts and that "they're going to go fat."

Photograph Courtesy:

At least we know what 50 Cent'south priorities are during this global pandemic. He will exist social distancing and doing everything in his power to not get fatty. Heaven forbid anyone should gain any weight from actress stress and staying home all the fourth dimension!

Sia's Profound COVID-19 Bulletin

Some celebrities' posts have just been plain strange. Vocalist Sia tried to get motivational (we remember?) in an image she published to her Twitter account that showed the give-and-take "VIRUS" with the Five-I-R crossed out. That left the "US" with a menses next to it.

Photograph Courtesy: @siamusic/Instagram

Fans weren't angry, but they were a footling dislocated. What exactly was Sia trying to say here? One follower came back with an image of letters in the give-and-take "CORONAVIRUS" crossed out to leave the word "CORN" — aforementioned thought but a lot less ambiguous. Sometimes celebrities only miss the mark entirely and go out united states of america scratching our heads.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Solidarity with the Masses

Arnold Schwarzenegger came under burn afterward posting a video to Twitter of him smoking a stogie in his jacuzzi. He talks about his morning bike ride and workout and then tells spring-breakers they demand to stay domicile. His point seems to exist that if he can stay home, you can besides.

Photo Courtesy: @Schwarzenegger/Twitter

Of course, not everyone has their own personal hot tub to hang out in, Arnold, and home is undoubtedly a lot more than appealing when you do. Perchance he could have chosen a meliorate place in his mansion to deliver his message to viewers, because this video came off equally cavalier and downright annoying! And smoking while you're promoting fettle? Really, Arnold?

Gisele Bundchen Fixes Everything with Meditation

When y'all're struggling to pay your rent, can't get your hands on toilet paper and fear for your family's wellness, the last thing you want to see is a celebrity telling you to chill out and become zen with them. Regardless, model Gisele Bundchen wants you to focus on peaceful energies.

Photograph Courtesy: @gisele/Instagram

Her Instagram post shows her meditating in front of a waterfall and invites anybody to come together in a "Global Meditation." It's clear she was just trying to do some adept for the earth, but it's certainly not clear why she idea this was it. Her stressed out fans were not having it.

Rob Kardashian'south Modified Merchandise

Maybe the worst thing a glory can do during the COVID-19 crunch is endeavour to make a profit off of it. Alas, Rob Kardashian didn't get the memo. (He'south a Kardashian, afterward all.) Instead, he advertised $30 face up masks sporting his brand "Halfway Dead" beyond the forepart. Does it really have to be said that this is not a great phrase to market during a pandemic?

Photo Courtesy: @halfwaydead/Instagram

The just saving grace is Kardashian's claim that he will donate proceeds to the Local Heart Foundation. Whether it's all the proceeds or only a portion remains to be seen, although it probably doesn't matter since fans weren't keen on this business organisation venture of his.

Vanessa Hudgens' Unending Empathy

In an unfortunate Instagram live stream, actress Vanessa Hudgens appeared to brush off the thousands that accept and will die from coronavirus. She gushes that a lockdown until July "sounds like a agglomeration of bullsh-t," and "yeah, people are gonna die, which is terrible, simply similar, inevitable?"

Photo Courtesy: Perez Hilton/YouTube

Well, peradventure it's the terminate to Hudgens' career that will at present be marked equally terrible simply inevitable. Of course, the vocalizer after fumbled to right herself. She clarified that she doesn't take the state of affairs lightly and that she is staying home, merely by and then it was besides tardily to take back her words.

Priyanka Chopra Claps for No One

In a postal service that immediately got attention for existence bad-mannered and a scrap strange, actress Priyanka Chopra stood on her balcony and clapped — for no ane. It looks like she was staring off into the distance in what appears to be an isolated surface area, clapping all past herself for some unknown reason that just had to be shared.

Photo Courtesy: Bol Bollywood/YouTube

Chopra was supposed to exist showing her support of health care workers, but it looked so staged and unnatural that it had followers giggling instead of clapping along with her. Information technology was a fine idea, Chopra, but the execution needed some piece of work.

Gwyneth Paltrow Hopes You'll Just Proceed Shopping

Gwyneth Paltrow certainly won't permit a global pandemic tamper her ambition for higher sales for her brand. In fact, she posted a selfie to her business business relationship that encouraged viewers to swipe up to purchase what she was wearing — and those clothes weren't cheap!

Photo Courtesy: @gwynethpaltrow/Instagram

The shorts and shoes together cost nearly $one,000, something most people wouldn't dream of spending, even without the added financial strain of the pandemic. The criticism came pouring in, and Paltrow later deleted the selfie. Information technology's not a time to be pushing your broth, Paltrow.

Lionel Richie Wants to Become Charitable

While many celebrities might have their hearts in the right places, they don't always know how to read their audience. Lionel Richie proposed recreating the "We Are the World" song for coronavirus support. If anyone remembers this 80'southward fundraiser for a starving Africa, it received its own criticism at the time, and Richie'due south thought for a remake didn't inspire the public.

Photo Courtesy: Matthias Muehlbradt/Flickr

The consensus seems to be that singing and posting pictures of yourself in quarantine aren't what celebrities should be doing right at present. Most people believe they should exist putting their own coin on the line to help with the battle in a way that could really accomplish results.

Jennifer Aniston'south Quarantine Quips

If you haven't defenseless on even so, in that location isn't much a celebrity can mail during this time that'south going to win them brownie points with their followers. More often than not, they merely prove they are style out of touch with the real life-destroying problems of the "regular" people who support them.

Photo Courtesy: Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Even America'southward sweetheart, Jennifer Aniston, posted an intentionally humorous quip near her dog having "deep quarantine thoughts" and rubbed people the incorrect mode. With her enormous house and breathtaking view, the merely thing viewers saw was a wealthy person making light of their very real, very serious COVID-19 struggles. Sometimes, it's just all-time to stay tranquility!

How Much Jeffree Star Makes On Makeup,


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